3 Productivity Hacks To Start Your Week

Happy Monday Startups!Monday can often lack motivation and after a big weekend it is easy to lose your focus and become completely overwhelmed as to where to start.  Here are 3 of my favourite life hacks to get you pumped for the week ahead.1. Set your intentions for the week. Download this weekly planner that I use to set out the week ahead. Fill it in and get really clear on what's on and what you're working on.2. Plan your meals and have food in the fridge. Hard work requires a healthy, fit body that is nourished with real food. Make sure you eat proper meals throughout the day and that your meals are nutritious and full of everything your body needs to function at it's highest level. When I started StartUp Creative, I watched the movie Food Matters and it blew my mind. I realised that if I wanted to be an entrepreneur I would no longer get my 'paid sick leave' and that I had to keep my body healthy in order to grow my business.3. Start reading a book relevant to your field of work. Books are the most amazing way to learn every single day! Find a master in your area of work and learn from them as much as you possibly can. I'm in the business industry so my bookshelf if packed with Richard Branson, Seth Godin, Tim Ferris, Danielle Laporte and other successful business men and women. Find people who inspire you and learn from them. Take time out of your day to put your phone down or turn off the TV and READ!Have a great week!Kaylene


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